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रॉनी रोड्रिग्स व सुजॉय मुखर्जी ने किया राधिका ज्वेलर्स का मीरा रोड में उद्घाटन

रॉनी रोड्रिग्स व सुजॉय मुखर्जी ने किया राधिका ज्वेलर्स का मीरा रोड में उद्घाटन

May 5, 2022

मुम्बई से सटे मीरा रोड में राधिका ज्वेलर्स के ब्रांड न्यू शोरूम का उद्घाटन आज भव्य रूप से मशहूर सिनेबस्टर मैगज़ीन के ओनर रॉनी रोड्रिग्स, जॉय मुखर्जी प्रोडक्शंस व फिल्मालय स्टूडियो के ओनर सुजॉय मुखर्जी ने किया। राधिका ज्वेलर्स के ओनर अरविन्द महेश्वरी ने दोनों मेहमानों का खूब शुक्रिया अदा किया।

रॉनी रोड्रिग्स और जॉय मुखर्जी ने राधिका ज्वेलर्स का फीता काटकर उद्घाटन किया, जहां मीडिया की भारी संख्या मौजूद थी।

रॉनी रोड्रिग्स ने राधिका ज्वेलर्स के ओनर अरविन्द महेश्वरी को ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं दीं और कहा कि राधिका ज्वेलर्स जल्द ही ग्राहकों का विश्वास जीतने में सफल होगा।

सुजॉय मुखर्जी का यहां दिल खोलकर स्वागत किया गया। उनके फैन्स ने उनके साथ खूब सेल्फी ली। यहाँ मीडिया से बात करते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि मैं राधिका ज्वेलर्स की नई शुरुआत के लिए इसके ओनर अरविन्द महेश्वरी को दिल से बधाई देता हूँ। यह शो रूम बड़ा ही अच्छा लग रहा है, इसकी सजावट, लुक, स्टाफ और यहां के जेवरात सभी बेहतर हैं। मैं रॉनी रोड्रिग्स जी का भी शुक्रिया अदा करना चाहूंगा। मैं भी इस दुकान से खरीदारी करने आऊंगा।

सुजॉय मुखर्जी ने कहा की रॉनी रॉड्रिग्ज मेरे पुराने मित्र हैं और मेरे फॅमिली जैसे हैं,
मैं उनका आदर करता हू और उन्होंने मुझे यहाँ बुलाया इसके लिये मैं उनका तहदिलसे शुक्रिया अदा करता हू….

आपको बता दें कि राधिका ज्वेलर्स मीरा रोड ईस्ट के सिल्वर पार्क के आशीष कम्पलेक्स के सुख आंगन में मौजूद है जिसकी दुकान नम्बर 7/8 है। राधिका ज्वेलर्स के उद्घाटन समारोह में राहुल एजुकेशन के फॉउंडर लल्लन आर तिवारी भी मौजूद थे।

इसके पीआर की जिम्मेदारी रमाकांत मुंडे (मुंडे न्यूज़) निभा रहे हैं।

छायाकार : रमाकांत मुंडे मुंबई

रॉनी रोड्रिग्स व सुजॉय मुखर्जी ने किया राधिका ज्वेलर्स का मीरा रोड में उद्घाटन

टाइम ग्रुप और एनएच स्टूडियोज़ ने आगामी फिल्म्स वेब सीरीज और एल्बम की घोषणा कर दी।

टाइम ग्रुप और एनएच स्टूडियोज़ ने आगामी फिल्म्स वेब सीरीज और एल्बम की घोषणा कर दी।

Apr 12, 2022

टाइम ग्रुप और एनएच स्टूडियोज़ ने होटल सहारा स्टार में आयोजित एक शानदार कार्यक्रम के दौरान एक उत्साहजनक घोषणा की। टाइम एक प्रमुख समग्रतापूर्ण मनोरंजन समूह है, जो एक ही बैनर तले फिल्म/कंटेंट का अधिग्रहण-प्रोडक्शन-वितरण-प्रदर्शन को कवर करता है। एनएच स्टूडियोज़ एक अग्रणी कंटेंट हाउस है जो सभी संभावित तरीकों और माध्यमों के जरिए पूरी दुनिया भर में भारतीय सिनेमाई कंटेंट वितरित करता है।

इंडस्ट्री में अग्रणी, टाइम ग्रुप के श्री प्रवीण शाह और एनएच स्टूडियोज़ के श्री नरेंद्र हिरावत और श्री सगून वाघ ने अपनी योजनाओं की घोषणा की।

टाइम ग्रुप के अध्यक्ष श्री प्रवीण शाह, श्री सगून वाघ (प्रबंध निदेशक), श्री विरल शाह (निदेशक) और श्री जीत वाघ (निदेशक) ने भारतीय मीडिया और मनोरंजन व्यवसाय में अपने चार दशक पूरे होने के यादगार मौके पर टाइम के प्रवर्धित लोगो का अनावरण किया।

टाइम ने गोल्डन टोबैको, विले पार्ले वेस्ट में सबसे उन्नत अत्याधुनिक क्रोमा स्टूडियो का अनावरण किया। यह मुंबई का सबसे बड़ा शूटिंग फ्लोर है जो 30,000 वर्ग फुट और 55 फीट की ऊंचाई में फैला हुआ है।

यहाँ बेहतरीन राष्ट्रव्यापी सेवाएं प्रदान करने हेतु विश्व स्तरीय प्रौद्योगिकियाँ उपलब्ध हैं। रियल टच स्टूडियो के ओनर श्री सुभाष काले के सहयोग से कंटेंट निर्माण में असंभव को संभव बनाने का प्रयास है।

टाइम ग्रुप के चेयरमैन, श्री प्रवीण शाह ने कहा, “ मैं शपथपूर्वक कहता हूँ कि मैं चार दशकों से हर प्रोजेक्ट के साथ जिस तरह से काम कर रहा हूं, उसे आगे और भी बेहतर बनाने का प्रयास करता रहूंगा और हमेशा की तरह लार्जर दैन लाइफ विजुअल्स के साथ मनोरंजन करता रहूंगा!

टाइम ग्रुप के प्रबंध निदेशक, श्री सगून वाघ पिछले 40 वर्षों से फिल्म उद्योग में हैंऔर टाइम ग्रुप के शुरुआती दिनों सेइसके साथ रहे हैं। उन्होंने कहा,  टाइम ग्रुप के चेयरमैन प्रवीणभाई और मेरा रिश्ता बहुत पुराना है और हम 1982 से जुड़े हुए हैं। मैं ब्लॉकबस्टर फिल्मों विजयपथ, जोड़ी नंबर 1, खिलाड़ियों का खिलाड़ी आदि का हिस्सा था। अब हम फिल्म, वेब – सीरीज और म्यूजिक वीडियो में नये प्रोजेक्ट्स की घोषणा करेंगे।

टाइम ग्रुप के निदेशक, श्री विरल शाह ने कहा, “टाइम ग्रुप पिछले 40 वर्षों से अग्रणी और नवप्रवर्तक रहा है और अब, हम भारतीय मनोरंजन क्षेत्र में अत्याधुनिक प्रौद्योगिकी, सेवाओं और समाधानों को आगे बढ़ाने की दिशा में बड़ी छलांग लगा रहे हैं। अपने स्थापित वर्टिकल्स टाइम फिल्म्स और टाइम ऑडियो के अलावा, टाइम ग्रुप ने अब अपने को टाइम वर्चुअल स्टूडियो, टाइम आर्टिस्ट नेटवर्क और टाइम मोशन पिक्चर सर्विसेज में विविधीकृत किया है।" उन्होंने यह भी कहा, यह प्रवर्धित लोगो टाइम ग्रुप की नवीनीकृत ऊर्जा का प्रतीक है। टाइम में, हम फ्रंटियर तकनीकों के साथ भविष्य में क्रांति ला रहे हैं जो

भारतीय फिल्म निर्माण और कंटेंट निर्माण को अगले स्तर पर ले जाएगा। हमारे नए वर्टिकल भारतीय मनोरंजनकर्ताओं के लिए हमारी समग्र एकीकृत पेशकश को जोड़ेंगे और बढ़ाएंगे।

छायाकार : रमाकांत मुंडे मुंबई

टाइम ग्रुप और एनएच स्टूडियोज़ ने आगामी फिल्म्स वेब सीरीज और एल्बम की घोषणा कर दी।

Tips Industries launches and announces its foray into yet another local language content channel ‘Tips Rajasthani’ with their first song ‘Rola Karvayegi’

Tips Industries launches and announces its foray into yet another local language content channel ‘Tips Rajasthani’ with their first song ‘Rola Karvayegi’

Feb 28, 2022

Singer & Music: – Sambhav Sharma & Sankalp Sharma (Baawale Chore), Lyrics: – Ravi Bhargava
There is a great creative and business opportunity for local language-specific and culturally appropriate content relevant to diverse audiences and we are already working on developing great content in the development of Gujarati, Punjabi, Bhojpuri, Haryanvi, Marathi and now Rajasthani.
Tips has witnessed a remarkable growth, churning out not only finest music but also a wide range of films under its banner. With a cumulative of multiple regional channels across languages and genres,  Tips has emerged as a leading trend-setter, constantly innovating formats and digital-first content that connects well with audiences across the world.
Kumar Taurani says “At Tips Industries we see a multilingual decade ahead and are working towards creating path breaking content for the viewers in terms music and film and with a clear vision contributing to Prime Minister, Narendra Modiji’s vision of Digital India”


Tips Industries launches and announces its foray into yet another local language content channel Tips Rajasthan  with their first song Rola Karvayegi

Dr Natraj Suryavanshi addresses Media for launching India’s only Crypto Academy effective 1st March 2022

Dr Natraj Suryavanshi addresses Media for launching India’s only Crypto Academy effective 1st March 2022

Feb 27, 2022

Nowadays everyone wants to invest in cryptocurrency like they do in the stock market. But fluctuations in the market and inadequate knowledge stop people from investing in cryptocurrency, which is also called crypto. Cryptocurrency may be a good alternative or balancing asset to cash, which may devalue due to inflation over time. Crypto is an asset that people invest in and have found that it yields very high returns. Investing in cryptocurrencies over the long run can be rewarding. But, it is critical that you gain knowledge about the market before you invest in it. Crypto expert and consultant, Mr. Natraj Suryawanshi has shared his expert knowledge about cryptocurrency, during an interview.

Mr. Natraj Suryawanshi, who is the Founder of Toska Technologies and currently serves as its CEO, has also discussed his new academy that can help you achieve success in the crypto sector.

In an Candid interview with him he answered few questions which were asked to him

Q:First and foremost please let us know about your company?

Ans :-Everyone in the Indian market is excited about crypto. But, whether it is crypto or the stock market, perfection comes only with knowledge. We have built hence Toska Technologies like an academy for crypto, which is not a currency but a digital asset.

Q:-What is the difference between a digital asset and crypto asset?

Ans:-A digital asset is something like Google Pay, PhonePe, and Paytm. They are assets with which you can connect through your bank and transfer money to each other. It is a fixed digital currency.

In crypto asset, there are a lot of variants that fluctuate and hence it rises and falls. It depends on supply and demand. Crypto asset is the coming future.

Q:-Please tell us about the legality of crypto in India?

Ans:-The Indian government is working very well on this matter at the moment. You must have heard about a legislation for crypto that has been approved recently. But, we are talking about crypto in the international market. Nearly 30 to 40 countries have already accepted crypto as a currency. But, as an asset, it will be proper. Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has already approved digital assets through a Prepaid Payment Instrument (PPI) license. In the same way, it is upon the government to make crypto legal and it is working rapidly in that direction.

Mr. Natraj Suryawanshi then talked about the recently approved crypto bill in India. He said people who know and understand crypto invest in it and earn a profit from the investment. The bill says that these people will have to give 30% of the profit to the government. There is also a 1% TDS applicable on the exchange required for the transactions that we do with each other.

Q:-Please throw some light on the technology behind crypto and how does it work?

Ans:=A lot of scams happen in the world of digital assets. When we talk about crypto we are discussing digital assets in which there is a decentralized system. This system is made from blockchain technology, which is not hackable. This can have tremendous benefits for the future generation.

Q:-Since you have talked about blockchain and decentralization, please tell us what is the Indian market’s take on it.?

Ans:-India has a population of 135 crores, out of which 65% use Android phones and these people are youngsters. These people are wasting their time and money on YouTube and social media like Facebook, and Instagram. Through Toska Technologies, we have launched an academy in which we want to create employment with an education base.

Q:-What does Toska Crypto Academy intend to do? Will it be conducted online or offline? Is the academy eyeing international presence?

Ans:-No doubt, it is online and decentralized, but let us talk about education. If you want to join Toska Crypto Academy, then there is simple registration, after which you will get to what know exactly crypto is. Students of the academy will get to learn about blockchain technology, decentralized systems. We will provide knowledge about all this in detail. Once you complete the course with the academy, you can start trading in crypto. Youngsters can get a small profit from the business they will launch after learning a lot of things about crypto from home. This can thus provide them with employment.

Q:-Finally, please tell us about how to join Toska Crypto Academy?

Ans:-The registration process is simple. If you are interested, you can visit Toska Crypto Academy’s website to register yourself there. As soon as you enter your name, address, and email in the registration form, you will get a token as a gift from the academy that can have a value of millions and billions in the future. Our back-end team will then contact and provide you with the complete detail. Finally, we will provide you with knowledge and training about crypto and how you can earn from it.

Dr Natraj Suryavanshi addresses Media for launching India’s only Crypto Academy effective 1st March 2022

Seven X Hospitality Entered Into Music Venture With Film Junkies

Seven X Hospitality Entered Into Music Venture With Film Junkies

Feb 20, 2022

Seven X Hospitality  A  project by Ashitaa Parekh, Shreesh Jain, Purvish Jain

Independent individuals who have got together to manage business  or for a philanthropic purpose. These professionals provide their expertise and extensive knowledge to ensure that the project continues to flourish. They invest into new ventures and emerging projects with the goal of growing and scaling them.

Seven X had invested Film Junkies into their first Haryanvi project with Himanshu and Gurmeet Bhadana of Haryanvi Music.

Gurmeet and Himanshu are the star Singer and  composer who had given loads of hits in haryanvi which scales from 100 million to 200 million.

Songs like THM in haryanvi are the most trending songs.where Halka Dupatta tera Muh dikhe is the most viral songs on the reels.

Song is directed by Team Film Junkies also featured sana sultan who is having 2 million followers and gave loads of Haryanvi hits in the music scene.

For more updates keep watching this space.


Seven X hospitality entered into Music Venture with Film Junkies

Games24x7 ropes in Hrithik Roshan as the brand ambassador of RummyCircle

Games24x7 ropes in Hrithik Roshan as the brand ambassador of RummyCircle

Jan 28, 2022

~ Celebrating the skill and passion of every online gaming enthusiast, the actor will feature in the new campaign #RahoEkKadamAage ~

India, January 28th, 2022: Games24x7 announced Hrithik Roshan as the brand ambassador for India’s largest online skill gaming platform, RummyCircle. As part of the partnership, Hrithik will be seen in multimedia campaigns by RummyCircle, spanning across TV, digital and social media platforms.

Announcing the association, Bhavin Pandya, Co-Founder and CEO of Games24x7 said, “We are very excited to partner with Hrithik, one of India’s biggest stars. Hrithik has had a remarkable career which is an epitome of versatility as he makes the right moves at the right time. His dynamism, talent and widespread appeal have made him really stand out. This resonates well with Games24x7 as we are constantly differentiating ourselves by providing awesome game playing experiences.”

Speaking on his engagement, Hrithik Roshan said, “Rummy is a game of skill that requires intellectual acumen, patience, and tact. What I like is that these are the same skills that you need, to overcome the challenges at various points in life. So, in a way, the game is a fun way to build life skills. This campaign highlights that whenever one encounters unexpected difficulties in life, they can overcome it with the right approach. I am happy to be associated with RummyCircle and Games24x7 for this splendid campaign.”

Initiating the association, the brand will be unveiling the new campaign #RahoEkKadamAage starring Hrithik via a high decibel television commercial starting 29th January. The campaign highlights real life scenarios where Hrithik Roshan demonstrates mental dexterity to find a way out of unforeseen situations.

Since its launch in 2009, the online skill gaming platform has partnered with talented personalities to further strengthen its engagement with millions of players across the country. RummyCircle is India’s largest online skill gaming platform for playing the nation’s favourite card game: Rummy. With free to play tournaments as well as cash prizes on offer, RummyCircle provides an opportunity for players to test their skills and adroitness. Excellent UI/UX, customized player journeys and superior technology make RummyCircle an unparalleled destination for players seeking thrill, fun and entertainment.

About Games24x7

Games24x7 is India headquartered online gaming company with a portfolio that spans skill games (RummyCircle, My11Circle, Carrom) and casual games (U-Games). It was founded by New York University trained economists Bhavin Pandya and Trivikraman Thampy in 2006.  Backed by marquee investors including Tiger Global and The Raine Group, the company specializes in using behavioural science, technology, and artificial intelligence to provide awesome game playing experiences across all its platforms. Games24x7 operates RummyCircle, the largest online rummy platform in India, and My11Circle, one of country’s top fantasy sports platforms. The company has also set up a casual games’ studio, Ultimate Games, to launch new games for the global market. The diverse, talented, and passionate Games24x7 team is spread across three continents with offices in Mumbai, Bengaluru, New Delhi, Kiev, Philadelphia, and Miami.

For more information, please visit:


Games24x7 ropes in Hrithik Roshan as the brand ambassador of RummyCircle

Swaran Singh Sandhu – Unleashing creative talent from North Founder Star Crew Productions

Swaran Singh Sandhu – Unleashing creative talent from North Founder  Star Crew Productions

Jan 12, 2022

Star Crew Productions, one of the fastest growing films and music production houses of North India, was incepted in year 2020 by a Canada-returned businessman, Swaran Singh Sandhu – a man steadfastly moving towards the betterment of the Region’s talented youth.

It was Swaran Sandhu’s desire to do something constructive for the youth of North India that prompted him to start his own production house. Having been into the field of immigration consultancy for over a decade, he had seen how our youth is resorting to all kinds of illegal means to earn a basic living either abroad or here. The fact that some of these youngsters are so talented that pained him to see how they’re falling into drugs and traps laid by fraud agents.

“For those talented in arts, music and acting have to go to Mumbai for arduous struggle – which often leads the innocent youth to make disastrous choices and land into dangerous exploitation rackets. In fact, despite our solid Punjabi music and film industry, there’s still a dearth of opportunities for the talented youth here, ” opines Swaran Sandhu.

“So, to contribute in the artistic development of our the people of our region, and save our youth from getting exploited in big cities, I decided to start my own production house : Star Crew, which currently runs three music channels – Punjabi, Haryanvi (Star Crew Dhakadz) and devotional songs (Star Crew Kirtan),” he adds.

Swaran Sandhu’s passion and belief in his principles is so strong that even a pandemic could not stop him from working towards his mission – the mission of providing a safe, clean and conducive environment for the young talent of North India to blossom.

Sharing his thoughts on his decision to launch Star Crew Productions during the year when the Covid19 pandemic shook the entire entertainment industry, he says,”To make an entry into the entertainment industry during the pandemic was certainly a challenging step initially. However, I am glad that we exceeded our expectations and also, learnt from the various challenges that came across our way. This was the best time for me personally, to try out something new in life and the lean phase gave me enough ‘me-time’ to research and nurture my creative side. I got enough time to understand the industry and offer the kind of entertainment that people actually wanted to consume. I am glad, so far we have got excellent response from the audience.”

Through different channels of Star Crew, Swaran Sandhu has provided a platform to a plethora of talented musicians, singers, actors and models to display their talent in front of the whole world through the right means.

From the trendy Punjabi videos to the mesmerizing Haryanvi folk to the soulful devotional music, in just a matter of one year, Star Crew Productions has churned out scintillating videos one after another through its three different YouTube Channels.

Their debut Punjabi song released under the label, Star Crew Punjabi, with superstar Punjabi singer Preet Harpal – Yaari Tutt Ju – garnered over three million plus views and became a runaway success in no time, inspiring the proficient  team of Star Crew to deliver more outstanding music videos.

In an open invitation to the regions talent, says Swaran Sandhu, “Whether you feel that you have a singing talent or acting prowess that needs to be unleashed or you love strumming a guitar, playing a tabla or any other musical instrument or simply, composing magical tunes, Star Crew is here to provide you with all the necessary resources and support make your dreams come true.”

The Star Crew Production’s studios are well-equipped with the most modern technology and the world-class infrastructure. Whether it’s the superlative sound system or the high-end cameras, technicians, recordists, and so on, Swaran Sandhu ensures that once an artiste reaches the Star Crew Productions office, he or she doesn’t have to go anywhere else to give wings to their creative talent.

Talking about his future plans, Swaran Sandhu says, “Our plans for the future include launching more and more talented singers, musicians, models and actors through our various channels. Besides music, we are now planning to shoot a few short films as well. Some webseries are also in the pipeline.”

“I am so glad and feel proud of my team for making Star Crew known for its outstanding values, ethics and business standards in such a short span.  We’re now regarded for providing a reliable platform to bring forth the yet unearthed talent of the Region,” says Swaran Sandhu.

“We are renowned for our ethical production values that have helped us in giving the right platform to the often misguided youth of Punjab, that wants to leave a mark in the entertainment industry,” he adds.

Besides Star Crew Productions, Swaran Sandhu is also the founder of Raffles Educity – one of the most renowned immigration consultancy firms in North India.

He is also a philanthropist and a popular motivational speaker. He even personally guides and mentors the young talent towards unleashing their creativity and hidden potential. His TV programs as a motivator are hugely popular amidst the youth of Punjab.


Swaran Singh Sandhu – Unleashing creative talent from North Founder,  Star Crew Productions



Jan 12, 2022

Mastered digital marketing Acing his journey towards being Social Media Expert
Rahul gained success that is a dream for so many digital entrepreneur In today’s era, there is immense potential in technology, with increasing technology, the craze of social media is increasing among the people. People sit for hours on social sites, the most popular social sites are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram.

Nowadays blue tick is given to a person who’s are public figure and celebrity.He is doing social media promotion for many aspiring models/ actors and also helping them to gain blue badge, he is also working in bollywood industry apart from this he is growing very well in social media and promotion sector boosting there instagram ,facebook, snapchat giving them blue tick.

He is also expert in making Google knowledge pannel ||Wikipedia ||Youtube monetization|| Pr Articles || Insta Verification ||Google Adwords Ads Skip/Display ads |Reel promotion || Instagram Real Followers.

He has done reel promotion of famous movie,”Puaada” of Ammy Virk and also expert in online promotion of songs by putting skip ads and display ads.

Also help in recovering hacked account ,deleted account from instagram. He is providing these service from name Chandigarhfilmcastingdigital.



Acceptance and action for welcoming the Digital Era can be seen within the Industries says Ms Pushpa Varma – A known Digital and Content Creator

Acceptance and action for welcoming the Digital Era can be seen within the Industries says Ms Pushpa Varma – A known Digital and Content Creator

Jan 3, 2022

A well known name in the influencer world known for her content creation , brand shout outs . As She famously says “The only thing permanent in this world is the word -Change “ and we all have witnessed it specially in 2021.

As we all are entering a new year with new digital era She further says marketing and branding is currently been leveraged by social media marketing tools to enhance brand images

On exclusively speaking with her On life after the outbreak of Covid 19 she adds to say that the Digital Era has pre ponded its entry by 5 years in India , What was supposed to happen after 5 years is happening now In India , Thus earlier the people adopt to the Digtial revolution Era the more it will be better and will further make them comfortable and easy . As this time the word “Change” is taking us through a transition and the earlier we adopt to it will be helpful to us , The Digital Era which is backed up by technology and a vision to do everything on the finger tips will soon be the future. Youth has already started adapting the digital era followed by the middle aged who are now getting comfortable with it . People will spend less on infrastructures and more on technology and this shift is now visible , Early adaptive will take the first move advantage in their respective fields.

On further speaking on the Tinsel town she adds , Acceptance and action both can be seen with industries, companies and bollywood Producers as well as they have shifted most of their releases to OTT and other digital platforms and are further making meaningful Substances understanding the audience , The budgets on social media and influencer marketing have increased phenomenally as compared to Sattelite Pre launch , the shift in this industry is to accept the technology with open arms and they too understand the importance of Digital Media and influencer Marketing .Staying in close communication with other digital content creators , she shares a great bond and has strong contacts with her associates.

Her brilliance and mastery in her craft have made her a great and renowned name in the influencer industry.


Acceptance and action for welcoming the Digital Era can be seen within the Industries says Ms Pushpa Varma – A known Digital and Content Creator

Ayurvita Healthcare’s RaproCell the Revolutionary Cancer-fighting Supplement is available for sale on its website and in ayurvedic clinics & selected medical stores

Ayurvita Healthcare’s RaproCell the Revolutionary Cancer-fighting Supplement is available for sale on its website and in ayurvedic clinics & selected medical stores

Dec 7, 2021

Ayurvita Healthcare’s RaproCell the Revolutionary Cancer-fighting Supplement is available for sale on its website and in ayurvedic clinics & selected medical stores.

About RaproCell

This Cancer-Fighting supplement- RaproCell, is effective in improving the health of the patient in various types of cancer. It is shown to reduce side-effects when used as an adjuvant therapy to chemotherapy sessions and increases serum levels of vitamins and minerals in the patients with low serum levels and prone to life-threatening diseases. Clinical trials for this supplement were successfully conducted under FDA approved IRB, U.S.A. and they involved patients with cancers of breast, prostate, brain, spleen etc. This product will bring about a major radical change in the healthcare of patients suffering from deadly diseases.

The enhanced formula of RaproCell is formulated with ingredients like: –

  • Antioxidants
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Amino Acids
  • Herbal Detox

This formulation provides just the right nutrients required by the body to heal from within and fight the root cause of the disease.

RaproCell gives the patients miraculous results with only one condition that they maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle throughout the treatment. This adoption of a healthy diet will not only help the supplement to better absorb in the body but it will also show the desired positive results sooner. A study at NIH proved that patients taking this supplement experiences an overall serum increase of 31.1% at three months. This increase was consistent over the range of testing.

Clinical trials

In the structured clinical trials, we saw significant reduction in tumour growth with virtually no negative side-effects. These clinical trials were conducted with patients diagnosed with prostate,breast, colon, liver, lung, brain, and bone cancer. During the clinical trial using the product as adjunctive therapy with chemo and/or radiation, we saw an increased survival rate in the patients and a reduction of side effects from chemo and/or radiation to zero.

When patients with advanced cancer receive the nutritional support, they experienced:

  • Lesser side effect
  • Reduced risk of infection
  • Reduced asthenia (Abnormal physical weakness or lack of energy)
  • Improved well-

The basic concept of action mechanism of this supplement is that blocking the key protein, ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) synthase, kills cancer cells.

With this miraculous supplement we seek to make a significant progress in the healthcare of humankind.

Founder’s Profile

Dr Vijay Pratap Kushvaha

Dr Kushvaha’s status and reputation as an Ayurvedic healer are quite renowned with his impressive ability to cure illnesses when all other treatments have failed. He received his B.A.M.S [BACHELOR OF AYURVEDIC MEDICINE AND SURGERY] from Mumbai University and Medical International Practitioner (MIP) Australia. Dr Kushvaha has been practising Ayurveda for more than three decades.

As an innovator born with entrepreneurial skills, he reveals the world of the ‘science of life’ through the chain of “Dr Kushvaha’s Ayurveda Clinics” across the country.

One of his specialities is Pulse Diagnosis (Nadi-Pariksha), Dr Kushvaha, has profound understanding of human nature and thorough knowledge of physiology and Ayurvedic medicine. He is one the most

widely-travelled Ayurvedic doctor, having visited over 20 countries to offer consultations and lectures.

Dr Kushvaha has served as Research Assistant in Lifeline Medical Research Foundation, Mumbai. He has also appeared as visiting lecturer and consultant at Maharishi European Research University, Vlodrop, Holland, Kushal Wellness Centre, London U.K, and Perola International, Denhaag, Holland.

Dr Steven Osguthorpe

Dr S. Osguthorpe, ND, ABAAHP, is a fellow in menopausal endocrinology and anti-aging, regenerative and functional medicine, a former Special Forces Medic in Vietnam, US Alpine Masters Ski Racer, Mountain Climber and Pilot.

Dr Osguthorpe spent the last two decades researching anti-aging, cancer, and Lyme Disease, producing several effective formulas.

He is the Principal Protocol Investigator for the following Clinical Studies:

  • Effectiveness of the Asyra in Assessing sub-physiologic Thyroid Levels in Women 35 to 65 years of
  • Clinical diagnosis of Allergy antigens using Asyra
  • Bio-identical Hormone Replacement for alleviating Postpartum Depression
  • Effectiveness of elevated FT3 in reversing Chronic
  • Eradication of prostate cancer using an ATP
  • Eradication of malignant carcinoma in the breast tissue using an ATP inhibitor
  • Countering chronic Lyme disease using ATP


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