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Ritesh Pandey Has Been Jailed This Morning – Know The Whole Matter

Ritesh Pandey Has Been Jailed This Morning –  Know The Whole Matter

Jul 8, 2021

आज सुबह ही रितेश पांडे को हो गई है जेल, जानिए पूरा मामला

सुपरस्टार रितेश पांडे ने कहा -“आज जेल होई काल्ह बेल होई”, दिख रही है रितेश की दबंगई

भोजपुरी सिनेमा के मशहूर एक्टर और सिंगर रितेश पांडे अपनी गायकी की वजह से फैंस के दिलों में राज करते हैं। उनके गाने इंटरनेट पर रिलीज होने के साथ ही ट्रेंड करने लगते हैं। लेकिन आज सुपरस्टार रितेश पांडे को आज जेल हो गई है। उन्होंने लोगों से कहा कि ‘खून अभी भी उही बा न शौक बदलल बा न जुनून बदलल बा’ इसके बाद रितेश ने फिर एक कहा कि हथियार तो सिर्फ शौक खातिर रखीला बाबू, बाकी खौफ खातिर नाम ही काफी बा।

अब आप सोच रहे हैं कि रितेश पांडे को अचानक से जेल कैसे हो गई तो आपकी जानकारी के बता देते है कि ये पूरा मामला रियल लाइफ का नहीं बल्कि रील लाइफ का है। जी हां वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स के ऑफिसियल यूट्यूब चैनल पर रितेश पांडे का नया ‘आज जेल होई काल्ह बेल होई’ रिलीज किया गया है। जो रिलोज होते ही वायरल हो गया है। गाने को रिलीज हुआ महज ही कुछ घंटे हुए है और गाने को यूट्यूब पर लाखों की तादाद में व्यूज मिलने शुरू हो गए हैं।

इससे पहले भी वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स से रितेश का गाना ‘लवंडिया लंदन से लाएंगे’ जो हाल ही में 200 मिलियन व्यूज का आंकड़ा क्रॉस कर चुका है।

इस बवाल वीडियो सांग का फर्स्ट लुक सोशल मीडिया पर आउट होते ही वायरल हो गया है। इस धांसू पोस्टर में रितेश पांडे एक दबंग व्यक्ति के लुक में धाकड़ दिख रहे हैं। पोस्टर पे बंदूक, गोली, पुलिस की गाड़ी, हाथों में हथियार लिए कई बदमाश और एक महिला पुलिसकर्मी की झलक दिख रही है। ऐसा प्रतीत होता है कि यह गाना किसी फ़िल्म के सांग की तरह शूट किया गया है।

रितेश पांडे ने अश्लीलता से परे भोजपुरी के लोकगीतों को लाने का लक्ष्य निर्धारित किया है, जिसपर वह पिछले कुछ समय से अमल कर रहे हैं। उनके हालिया रिलीज गाने इस बात की गवाही दे रहे हैं कि उन्होंने भोजपुरी अल्बम के गीतों की क्वालिटी से कोई समझौता नहीं किया है।

सुपरस्टार रितेश पांडे के साथ इस सांग में पल्लवी गिरी का जलवा देखने को मिल रहा है। वे सांग में लेडी सिंघम लग रही हैं।

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स प्रस्तुत सांग में रितेश पांडे गाते हैं “आज जेल होई काल्ह बेल होई, परसों से ओहि खेल होई।” गाने के पोस्टर में रितेश पांडे का लुक काफी सीरियस दिख रहा है। इस सांग को रितेश पांडे ने गाया है जबकि इसको लिखा है मंजी मीत ने। संगीत आशीष वर्मा ने तैयार किया है। डायरेक्टर रवि पंडित, कोरियोग्राफर रितिक आरा, एडिटर दीपक पंडित, अरेंजर बादल खान हैं।

Producer Vijay Thakur’s Film BAIKUNTH Released On Amazon Prime Getting Audience Love

Producer Vijay Thakur’s Film  BAIKUNTH  Released On Amazon Prime  Getting Audience  Love

Jul 8, 2021

निर्माता विजय ठाकुर की फिल्म “बैकुंठ” Amazon Prime पर रिलीज दर्शकों का मिल रहा प्यार

एक बहुत बड़ी चुनौती तो ले ही चुका था लेकिन इसका परिणाम क्या होगा कुछ पता नहीं था,लोग कहते थे आजकल दर्शक नाटक तो देखने जाते ही नहीं तो साहित्य पर आधारित आपकी फिल्म देखने कौन जाएगा ? लेकिन दर्शकों के बेशुमार प्यार ने इस बात को झूठला दिया और यह साबित कर दिया कि अगर साहित्य पर आधारित अच्छी सिनेमा बने तो दर्शक आज भी दिल खोल कर इसका स्वागत करते हैं ।

उक्त बातें कहना है प्रेमचंद के उत्कृष्ट नाटक “कफन” पर आधारित फिल्म बैकुंठ के निर्माता विजय ठाकुर का ।

विजय ने बताया कि 13 मई को Mx Player पर  और 2 जुलाई को Amazon Prime पर फिल्म रिलीज होने के कुछ दिन बाद ही लाखों की तादाद में दर्शक इस फिल्म को अपना प्यार दिया । बतौर निर्माता यह मेरे लिए गर्व की बात है कि भारत के साथ-साथ विदेशों से भी मुझे कई सारे  फोन कॉलस आये और बधाइयां मिली ,अपनी फ़िल्म इंडस्ट्री के कई सारे सीनियर कलाकारों का स्नेह व आशीष भी मिला ।जिसमें श्री  पियुष मिश्रा जी, श्री मती नादिरा ज़हीर बब्बर जी , श्री अखिलेंद्र मिश्रा जी,श्री राज पाल यादव जी ,श्री जुही बब्बर सोनी जी,श्री आर्या बब्बर जी ,श्री यशपाल शर्मा ,श्री पंकज त्रिपाठी जी जैसे समान्नीय व्यक्तित्व का आशीर्वाद प्राप्त हो रहा है।

विजय ने बताया कि बॉलीवुड में घिसी- पिटी कहानियों पर फिल्म बनाने का चलन चल रहा है बॉलीवुड में साहित्य पर फिल्म बनाने का चलन तो है ही नहीं,यूं कहे कि कोई भी फिल्मकार यह चुनौती लेने के लिए तैयार ही नहीं है जो हिंदी साहित्य के साथ बहुत बड़ा अन्याय है ।

रंगकर्मी,लेखक, और निर्माता विजय ठाकुर की माने तो साहित्य हमारी सिनेमा का आधार है और आज हम इसे ही छोड़ रहे हैं यह सही नहीं है । हमने स्थिति-परिस्थितियों का सामना करते हुए “बैकुंठ” बनाया और आज परिणाम सबके सामने है आगे भी हम लोग अर्थपूर्ण सिनेमा बनाते रहेंगे।

बैकुंठ की पृष्ठभूमि घीसू और माधव नामक दो शख्स‌ की है । “बैकुंठ” प्रेमचंद्र के उत्कृष्ट नाटक में से एक “कफन”पर आधारित है ।’कफ़न’ में महान कहानीकार प्रेमचंद ने गांव में जातिवाद, भूमिहीन किसानों की दुर्दशा और समाज में व्याप्त आर्थिक असमानता को बड़ी ही मार्मिकता के साथ प्रस्तुत किया था. प्रेमचंद की इस कहानी में दर्ज इन्हीं जज्बात को उसी पुरजोर अंदाज़ में फिल्म ‘बैकुंठ’ में पेश किया गया है।

फिल्म ‘बैकुंठ’ का निर्माण रवि कुमार और विजय ठाकुर ने साझा तौर पर किया है और विश्व भानु ने बड़ी ही ख़ूबसूरती के साथ इस फिल्म‌ का लेखन और निर्देशन किया है. फ़िल्म  में सिनेमेटोग्राफ़र आशीष पांडे व संकलन साई राज ने बहुत लगन से अपना काम किया है. फिल्म‌ में मुख्य भूमिकाओं में वन्या, संगम‌ शुक्ला, विश्व भानु, विजय ठाकुर आदि अभिनय कौशल से दर्शकों का दिल जीतने में कामयाब रहे हैं । उल्लेखनीय है कि इस फिल्म में गांव की ज़मीनी सच्चाइयों को दर्शाने के लिए गांव से जुड़े कलाकारों को ही तरजीह दी गई है।

उल्लेखनीय है कि ‘बैकुंठ’ 29  मार्च से Hungama play, Airtel xtream, VI movies and TV पर और 13 मई से MX Player और 2 जुलाई थे Amazon Prime के अलावा कुछ और ओटीटी प्लेटफार्म्स पर लाइव स्ट्रीम हो रही है ।

Actor Ranveer Sekhwat Has An Important Role In Gangs Of Bihar

Actor Ranveer Sekhwat Has An Important Role In Gangs Of Bihar

Jul 6, 2021

Nagpur’s Chhote Ustad actor Ranveer Shekhawat is making a bang in Bollywood with the Hindi film Gangs of Bihar, he is doing an important character in this film.  When Ranveer Sekhawat  was 3/4 years old, his mother Neetu Sekhwat suddenly saw him acting and dancing, then it did not take him much time to understand that Rajput family has been on the strength of their passion and senses for centuries.  Has been ruling in the hearts.  Now such a child has come to his house who will rule in everyone’s heart with his acting and singing skills.

Neetu Sekhawat decided to bring her son Ranveer into the film line.  Because Neetu Sekhwat was also fond of acting before marriage, which remained incomplete in handling the household after marriage. But for the son, Neetu kept her suggestion from her husband Shamser Singh Sekhwat to bring the son into the film line.

Sekhawat had no objection, but he also had to bring his son Ranveer after talking to his elders, then Neetu Shekhawat convenced his entire family one by one, showed the video of Ranveer’s many dances and dialogues & after that family allow them to go Mumbai.

Neetu Sekhawat came to Mumbai, the city of dreams to fulfill her son’s dream.  Neetu Sekhawat came to Mumbai and started meeting the film director, producer, casting director, tired of going to many offices, but did not lose courage.  On the other hand, Ranveer’s online class was also started by Neetu. Meanwhile, Neetu got a print shoot of sari, then Neetu also got idea for Ranveer to do some print shoots.  Then in 2021, Ranveer got chance in Hindi film “Gangs of Bihar” written by Kumar Neeraj.

It was Neetu Sekhwat’s stubbornness and passion that made Ranveer’s dream come true.  Today Ranveer has many projects.  It is said that only mother can understand the feelings of their child ,So in this way, today Neetu herself is struggling to fulfill her son’s dream in Mumbai with Ranveer, so that she can fulfill every dream of her child.  Today Neetu’s father-in-law and her husband Samsher Singh Sekhwat are also happy with the decision for Neetu as their home lamp will now sparkle with acting and dancing in the Rajput Royal family of sword-wielding.


Now Ranveer is doing a important role in the movie “Gangs of Bihar” Directed by Kumar Neeraj.

Mukesh Tiwari, Gurleen Chopra, Rajveer Singh, Nazneen Patni, Ratan Rathod, Jai Shukla, Aditya Khandelwal, Shanisha Maurya, etc. are in the lead roles.

Poetess Shashi’s New Poem Released By Amco Music

Poetess Shashi’s  New Poem Released By Amco Music

Jul 6, 2021

कवयित्री:  शशि   ” इतिहास ”

इतिहास की परीक्षा थी, उस दिन चिन्ता से हृदय धड़कता था,

जब उठा भोर में घबराकर, तब से बायां नैन फड़कता था,

जितने उत्तर कंठस्थ किये, उनमें से आधे याद हुए,

वे भी स्कूल पहुंचने तक, स्मृतियों से आजाद हुए,

जो सीट दिखाई दी ख़ाली, उस पर डटकर के जा बैठा,

तभी निरीक्षक मुझे देखकर, अपना आपा खो बैठा,


अरे मूर्ख है ध्यान किधर, क्या बिगड़ गई थी बुद्धि तेरी,

क्यों करके आया है देरी, उठ जा यह कुर्सी है मेरी,

जब प्रश्नपत्र आया सन्मुख, मैं भूल गया उत्तर सारा,

बस बरगद रूपी कॉपी पर, कलम कुल्हाड़ी  दे मारा

बाबर का बेटा था  हुमायूं, जो भारत वायुयान से आया था

उसने ही पहला रॉकेट, अंतरिक्ष में भिंजवाया था।


अब प्रश्न पढ़ा था कौन चेतक, मैं लिख बैठा बजाज चेतक,

जो सदा ब्लैक में  बिकता है, पच्चीस वर्ष तक टिकता है,

गौतम गांधी के चेले थे, दोनों ही संग संग खेले थे,

आज़ादी के संग्राम समय, दोनों ने पापड़ बेले थे।

पढ़कर मेरा इतिहास नया, परीक्षक का मांथा चकरा गया

देकर माइनस जीरो नम्बर, उसने जोड़ा इतिहास नया।

एमको म्यूजिक व अरुण शक्ति के सौजन्य से

Ankush Raja – Shilpi Raj Ft. Neelam Giri’s Song KAMAR LAPKAUAA Released From Worldwide Records Extremely Expensive Music Video Trending On Youtube

Ankush Raja – Shilpi Raj Ft.  Neelam Giri’s Song  KAMAR LAPKAUAA  Released From Worldwide Records  Extremely Expensive Music Video Trending On Youtube

Jul 6, 2021

अंकुश राजा, नीलम गिरी का बवाल गाना “कमर लपकउआ” वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स से हुआ रिलीज, बेहद महंगे म्यूज़िक वीडियो ने उड़ाया गर्दा

भोजपुरी म्यूजिक इंडस्ट्री में वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स भोजपुरी एक क्रांति लेकर आई है। इस संगीत कंपनी के द्वारा प्रतिदिन स्टार सिंगर्स और कलाकारों के गाने रिलीज हो रहे हैं, जो मिलियन क्लब में शामिल होते हैं। इसके गाने क्वालिटी और गुणवत्ता के मामले में हमेशा एक माइलस्टोन साबित हुए हैं।

इसी प्रतिष्ठित म्यूज़िक कम्पनी से रिलीज हुए सुपर स्टार सिंगर अंकुश राजा और ट्रेंडिंग गर्ल नीलम गिरी के बवाल वीडियो सांग कमर लपकउआ” ने यूटयूब पर तूफान ला दिया है। इस सांग को अंकुश राजा और ट्रेंडिंग सिंगर शिल्पी राज ने अपनी मधुर आवाज से सजाया है। अब तक के सबसे महंगे म्यूज़िक वीडियो को कुछ ही घन्टे में लाखों व्यूज मिल गए हैं। गाने में अंकुश राजा और नीलम गिरी के परफॉर्मेंस ने दर्शकों को अपना दीवाना बना दिया है।

इस धमाकेदार सांग में नीलम गिरी जितनी खूबसूरत और आकर्षक लग रही हैं, उतनी वो पहले कभी नहीं लगीं है। गाना बेहद भव्य रूप से फ़िल्माया हुआ है जिसमे डांस, लोकेशन, कॉस्ट्यूम, डांसर्स और स्टाइल का ऐसा संगम है कि पूरा गाना देखते समय आप एक सेकंड के लिए भी अपनी नजरों को हटा नहीं सकते।

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकॉर्ड्स प्रस्तुत इस धमाल सांग का टीज़र जब से आउट किया गया था,तब से फैन्स बड़ी बेसब्री से गाने का इंतज़ार कर रहे थे। नीलम गिरी की अदाएं और उनका कातिलाना डांस मदहोश कर देता है और फिर इस अंदाज से वो मुस्कुराती हैं कि दर्शक क्रेजी हुए जा रहे हैं। उसपर अंकुश राजा का बेहद रोमांटिक अंदाज में डांस और उनकी एनर्जी देखने लायक है।  इस गाने को देखकर आपका तन मन झूम उठने को मजबूर हो जाएगा। गाना खूब लाइक और शेयर किया जा रहा है।

वर्ल्डवाइड रिकार्ड्स प्रस्तुत सांग ले निर्माता रत्नाकर कुमार है। गाने के सिंगर्स अंकुश राजा और शिल्पी राज, संगीतकार छोटु रावत, गीतकार बोस रामपुरी, डायरेक्टर रवि पंडित, कोरियोग्राफर रितिक आरा, एडिटर दीपक पंडित, गार्जियन लखन बाबा और प्रोडक्शन हेड पंकज सोनी हैं।

Bollywood Actor Rajkumar Khurana To Be One Of Goodwill Ambassador And Grace of Hollywood International Talent Show

Bollywood Actor Rajkumar Khurana To Be One Of Goodwill Ambassador And Grace of Hollywood  International Talent Show

Jul 3, 2021

Bollywood actor Rajkumar Khurana has been invited by GC Entertainment CEO Galina Kappani as a special guest for the event to be held on 16 October2021. Galina Kappani honored Rajkumar Khurana in the Hollywood International Talent Show with the Best Actor Award.

Apart from Bollywood, the steps of Rajkumar Khurana are now moving towards Hollywood as well. Rajkumar Khurana doing  Dr. Elham Madani’s Hollywood movie  film Phynix  Woman . Dr.Elham  Madani

is the founder of the World Cinema Academy and the director-producer of the Wind International Film Festival, Sunil Babbar’s Hollywood film Count 10 and Dame Munni Iron Founder and President Art for Peace California USA are going to start the movie in which Rajkumar Khurana is going to play an important role.

On 25 November 2020, Rajkumar Khurana’s film Mughalsarai Junction has been released, produced by Mahavir Prasad.

Recently, Rajkumar Khurana has completed the shooting of producer-director Zakir Sisodia’s film ‘Anokha Insaaf’ in Makrana, Rajasthan.

Apart from this film, he will soon show his talent in the double shaded  negative and positive character of an English officer in Deepak Abhua’s film ‘The Great Sultana’, apart from this, producer James Harry has made his two big Hindi films Madhulika and Uljhan contracted for.  Raj Rawat’s film ‘Reporter’ will also see Rajkumar Khurana with many veteran actors of Bollywood.Movie going to release Curtain director Mr Jimmy Handa & movie start up director Mr Nalin singh’s Game of 100 crore & One Movie Arranged Marriage Producer Mr Ganesh Jwala.


Let us tell you that Rajkumar, who has been active in the acting world for the last 25 years, has played many challenging characters in many serials, short films and films till now.

Along with the actor, Rajkumar Khurana is also a table tennis player. In 2019, he has also won the Gold Medal and Bronze Medal of Table Tennis.

NCP Prez Sharad Pawar Virtually Inaugurates DY Patil Agriculture And Technical University Talsande In Mumbai

NCP Prez Sharad Pawar Virtually Inaugurates DY Patil Agriculture And Technical University Talsande In Mumbai

Jul 3, 2021

– Eight Maharashtra Ministers were also present on the occasion presided over by Dr DY Patil

Mumbai : Former Agriculture Minister and MP Sharad Pawar virtually inaugurated the DY Patil Agriculture and Technical University, Talsande, at an event held in Mumbai on Thursday. The event was presided over by the former governor of Bihar, Tripura and West Bengal, Dr. DY Patil.

As many as eight other Maharashtra ministers viz. Revenue Minister Balasaheb Thorat, Agriculture Minister Dadaji Bhuse, Water Resources Minister Jayant Patil, Higher and Technical Education Minister Uday Samant, Rural Development Minister Hasan Mushrif, Agriculture minister of state Dr. Vishwajeet Kadam, Higher and Technical Education Minister of state Prajakt Tanpure and Health Minister of state Rajendra Patil Yadravkar were also present on the occasion.

Commenting on agriculture, NCP chief and former Agriculture Minister Sharad Pawar said, “If the agricultural growth and progress is evident, the situation of economy will automatically improve. Such universities are essential to uplift and strengthen the core of Indian economic status. New innovations and technological advancements in agriculture through research in such universities will massively help the sector.”

The university will begin its operations from the academic year 2021-22. The curriculum is designed as 50% for pure education, 30% for practical education and the remaining 20% for experiential learning. “The education of this university will not be focusing only on theoretical but also practical knowledge. The curriculum has been decided after considering all the future aspects and prospects,” said Dr Sanjay Patil, president, DY Patil Group.

While one of the university’s specialisation is agriculture, there is equal emphasis on preparing students for careers in Architecture, Management, Engineering and many such domains. Importantly, the university is replete with state-of-the-art connectivity for global webinars and lectures which will allow students or teachers—local or international—to communicate irrespective of their location.

Satej Patil, minister of state and Vice President, DY Patil Group, said the university curriculum will give an impetus to agricultural research. “The variety that the curriculum will offer shall bring out the researchers in students. And the research work done at the university will prove to be a boon for the farmers since much of Maharashtra is dependent on agriculture. The student will be given industry experience while s/he is learning for the same which will make the students caree-ready,” he added.

The main focus of the university will be to promote skill development that will help students for national as well as international careers. Ruturaj Patil, Kolhapur South MLA and Trustee, DY Patil Group, said, “A student will be able to pick the curriculum according to his/her strengths, abilities and preference. Because of that, it will be possible to increase their intellect and creativity. There will be collaborations and partnerships with national and international institutions for research and higher education,” he stated.

While the University is physically located near Kolhapur, the university is national as well as global with international educational tie-ups in process, industry collaborations, renowned international faculty, internships and projects as part of the curriculum.

The admission process for more than 40 courses at UG, PG and PhD level at the university is underway at Talsande, a small village in the Kolhapur district.

About DY Patil Agriculture and Technical University (DYP ATU)

The university aims at multidisciplinary innovation and research programs in the fields of Engineering, Agriculture, Management and Commerce. The university campus is spread across a sprawling 205-acre plot with as many as 4,500 coconut trees along with a facility to produce 30 vegetable-bearing and 20 fruit-bearing plants. The campus can store six crore liters of water and the entire campus maintains its greenery through smart farming and water irrigation. The area is also called the ‘Oxygen Zone’. Not only that, the university is a vibrant residential campus with social, sports and entertainment facilities.

The DYP ATU is a perfect blend of national and international, local and global, physical and virtual, theory and practical. It is one of the most modern universities which will not only meet the needs of Maharashtra or Kolhapur but the needs of skilled resources required by India across all streams and disciplines.

The DY Patil Group was established to help all students get access to higher and technical education. For the last four decades, the group has been involved in medical, nursing, physiotherapy, engineering, agriculture and management among other education sectors.


  • 2019 – Decision to start the DY Patil Agriculture and Technical University was taken and wrote a request letter to the state government accordingly
  • December 9, 2020 – The proposal was accepted by the state government
  • December 15, 2020 – Both the houses (Rajya Sabha and Vidhan Sabha) of the state government approved the law required to set up a university
  • December 28, 2020 – Honourable Governor of Maharashtra signed the proposal and acknowledged the University



Jul 1, 2021

His name is Number. Yes that’s his name and must say this Number rocks. Originally from Delhi, Number spent his childhood shuttling between Saudi Arabia and India. At the age of 14, Number migrated to the United Kingdom and since then he’s been living there. He obtained his Mechanical Engineering honours degree from the University of Portsmouth.

Since his childhood he had a strong inclination towards music. While at boarding school in Nainital he was the part of school choir. When he came to the UK his love for music grew more and more. He began gathering all kinds of music instruments and machines. What started out as a hobby later became his passion. This passion inspired him to release his own songs and as a result of which music lovers got two songs from him. ”Reboot” and ”El Groove” which were both very well received. This positive response from music lovers drove him to be more serious about music.

When talking about his passion he says,”i believe that music finds it’s way to where it is needed. My own music compositions and lyrics have kept me afloat through some tough waves. I like to make music wherever and whenever i find inspiration. At the moment my past two releases can be classified as a mix of Pop and Rap in an Indian format and i am very happy with the response to my songs”.

Although he is away from India, but Number is well connected with Bollywood music. When asked about the current musical scenario of Bollywood he said , “Bollywood is a home to many of the world’s greatest singers and composers. I think there is a wave of nostalgia going through at the moment as Bollywood is flooded with remix songs. Most songs from the golden days of the entertainment industry are being remixed to serve the interests of the youth today. Remixes are nice and remind us of the talent that helped shape Bollywood into what it is today but i feel there is a space and need for something new and more. Good music will always be loved by all ”.

He also watches music based reality shows regularly. Giving his opinion about reality shows he says,”i have never actively participated in any musical or talent related reality show.but i like watching them and i think there is too much untapped talent in India and reality shows are a good platform for such talent”.

Although the entertainment industry was badly hit by the pandemic and music industry suffered too, Number is positive about the future of the music industry. With high hopes he says,”the pandemic has humbled us in different ways and now it’s the music that is helping all to stay entertained and sane. Music is helpful to lift spirits and spread happiness. Indian music has always been more about the expression of emotions and now coming out of this pandemic, i think we need to look out for many new compositions from new and existing artists. Music is the best healer and it will play a big role to add cheer in the common man’s life”.


Can a singer-composer like Number remain away from Bollywood? He replied,”i watch Hindi films and l love Hindi songs be it new or old. If an offer comes from Bollywood to score the music for film i would say it would be an honour to be considered for this kind of work. If i am asked, my personal choice will be to score music for dark, fantasy or fiction related theme. May be few romantic numbers but not many. I know that i can perform very well for any kind of uplifting or revolutionary based song. This is because i happen to know many inspirational people who represent change. My parents are a prime example of such an existence” he concludes.

Director Atul Joshi shares his experience shooting for Candid Yaari by Mahreen Khan

Director Atul Joshi shares his experience  shooting for Candid Yaari by Mahreen Khan

Jul 1, 2021

With a 32 years of experience in the creative industry, Atul Joshi is an example for today’s youth who carries an energy of a 20 year old. Since the 90s he has given his energy and time working for the distinguished Times of India, he has also dipped his toes in the fashion industry and even in the entertainment industry.

At the age of 53, he proudly goes onto do his directorial debut for the new chat show “Candid Yaari” hosted by Mahreen Khan. He talks about his process for the show as he likes to do things very meticulously. His planning starts a day prior with his team which he likes to keep it small and tight and choreographs the entire route from start to end. Like moving chess pieces on the board, he executes his debut like a professional who strives to achieve perfection in any given circumstances.

He also advices the young generation to never feel let down on failures as that is where one learns and gives only one advice and that is to have discipline in your life.

Brookfield Properties creating a work destination, inspired by history and designed for the future

Tower 11 at Candor TechSpace, Sector 135, Noida product feature and a Walkthrough Video 

National, 1st July 2021: Workspaces constitute 70% of a working individual’s day and subsequently is directly related to their well-being. Therefore, we must rethink and redefine our design ideologies that shape the workspaces of tomorrow. Incorporating local architectural language into buildings has fostered a sense of belonging, enhanced comfort in the built environment and encouraged community building. As most organisations strive to create landmark architecture, this has made it essential for global institutions and organisations to contextualise the built environment as they develop campuses worldwide. For instance, the recent Taj Mahal inspired office built by Microsoft in Noida has set the precedence for this very ideology.

As most workforces now prepare themselves to return to the office, Noida’s biggest and finest workspace, Candor TechSpace Sector 135, will soon have a new addition to its expansive campus that creates a distinctive landmark. “Candor TechSpace’s Tower 11 brings workspaces that abide by international standards while celebrating, utilising and contemporising historical and architectural design knowledge. Tower 11 will create a work destination that blurs the line between a workspace and a place of wellbeing and community with enhanced productivity and creativity,” shares Alok Aggarwal, Managing Director and CEO, Brookfield Properties. The design for tower 11 draws spatial understanding and syntax from local architecture and embedded space making techniques from multiple monuments such as the India Gate and the Taj Mahal to create a contemporary and future-ready office building. The new addition will offer workspaces that revolutionise and redefine how we perceive our work environments.

Contemporising materiality that is rooted in tradition.

 Image 1. The Tower 11 executive entrance façade.

An amalgamation of brass and black mirror details to exuberate regality and monumentality.

Tower 11 is an amalgamation of symbolic as well as physical derivations of regional architecture that are contemporised for functional efficiency and maximum performance. For instance, the form of the building is inspired by the volumetric characteristics of the India Gate. The two-building volumes have been articulated as two distinct elements united by a core and a striking façade in the central axis. The facade recreates a contemporary adaptation of the triumphant arch of the India Gate, that embraces with regality and through its form recreates the opulent yet welcoming aesthetic. On the one hand, detailed in dark glass panels and brass, the facade with its regal tonality recreates a sturdiness like the carved stones of India Gate as the rays of the sun reflect off it. On the other hand, the high-performance facade maximises pleasant daylight ingress with minimal heat gain and glare control to create comfortable indoor environments.

Though the tower acts as a climax to the axial Candor campus, it also marks the entry into an elegant yet opulent built environment. Inspired by the Taj Mahal’s ethos, the entrance lobby is a three-storied volume, with white marble walls that offer monumentality and grandeur to every visitor. Well-Designed and optimised, expansive floor plates with minimised space wastage create seamless, functional, and efficient spaces. The frequent use of marble to create textured walls along with recessed light fitting details make the interiors a contemporary manifestation of the Taj Mahal, while creating a clean and spotless interior finish.

The building design focuses on crafting experiences and maximum efficiency, with expansive green landscapes, a workspace that creates an experience like no other. Describing the same, architect Ricardo Bofill, Principal Chief Architect for Tower 11, shares, “Orientation through the building is always straightforward with no dark corners, no notches and no wasted corridors. The office space is well lit naturally, with great views. The ground floor is a mix of marble lobbies in elegant white shades and overlooks a black mirror reflective water feature, with a lush garden all around. This creates a freshly-ventilated interior space with a perspective towards the campus, providing a place-making experience rarely seen before in an office building.”

Building Monumentality.

Image 2. The black mirror reflective water body and Tower 11.

The black mirror water body at the heart of the campus and the very entrance of Tower 11 creates a serene and soothing campus ethos.

We wanted to imbibe the quality of placemaking that historical public buildings offer, and therefore, the campus planning draws inspiration and learning from ancient planning techniques of the iconic Taj Mahal”, shares Alok Aggarwal, Managing Director and CEO, Brookfield Properties. Amalgamating tradition with modernity, with Tower 11 as the central focus, the axial planning adds monumentality and regality. The black glass reflection water body located in the foreground surrounded by lush greens modernises the ancient planning and cooling techniques while employing placemaking tools to generate a stimulating environment. The focus on linearity in shared spaces creates a sense of cohesive continuity with segregated vehicular and pedestrian circulation to define public areas. The water body also becomes the central pause point, cushioned by the surrounding landscape, and housed within the pedestrian thoroughfare.

The campus is equipped with amenities, ranging from curated retail, fitness centres, food courts and food outlets, coffee shops, banking facilities, creche facilities, all of which are distributed within the 30,000 sq. ft. amenities block. The design focus for the public areas is not to landscape or hardscape, but people-scape to curate experiences that stimulate and excite the end-user. “Under the shadows of the frangipani trees and transported by the fragrance of tropical flowers, we are hoping to create a new place, a new destination for each end-user to write his or her own story”, shares Ricardo. The ecology focuses on pedestrian mobility, the air, and the sounds that create a built environment that can inspire the end-user and open the mind to a depth of experiences.

The campus offering   4.5 M Sf of leasable area is designed with modern sensibilities to remain committed to the health and environment of the building occupants and the communities within which it operates, generating a larger positive impact. Drawing from most historical architecture that is environment-friendly, the campus is ecologically conscious with new-age technology and historical planning techniques to create a microclimate. With distributed green landscapes, waste management systems, water management and recycling, energy efficiency, reduced use of fossil fuels, health and well-being of its occupants and more, the building has been awarded a Platinum rating by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC). To ensure that the best quality environments are provided to the users, the campus also incorporates air purifiers, mainly electrostatic filters with EC fans for purified air quality, that provide ideal AQI levels to all inhabitants.

A power-packed Workspace solution

The Candor TechSpace campus offers an unparalleled connectivity advantage as it is directly connected to the metro station as well as flaunts direct access to the 12 lanes signal free expressway. Subsequently, the campus is well connected to the Noida CBD, Ghaziabad as well as East Delhi. To foster a holistic living experience, the campus is located within an integrated township with proximity to residential and social infrastructure.

Tower 11 at the Candor TechSpace, Sector 135 is a workspace solution that keeps the users and inhabitants as the highest priority through design. It is an integrated workspace destination that amalgamates innovation with historical design knowledge to create a building that is a notch above its contemporaries. “Through Tower 11, we reimagined how workspaces are conceived and can push the limits of design to achieve a better work-life balance and experience, better infrastructure, better healthcare, better sustainability initiatives, better wellbeing initiatives for our occupants and subsequently a campus beyond the workplace. We aim to create a work destination,” shares Alok Aggarwal, Managing Director and CEO, Brookfield Properties.

Image 3. Candor TechSpace, Sector 135, Noida

An integrated campus ecosystem offering commercial real estate solution that reimagines workspaces.

Candor TechSpace, Sector 135, Noida: Walk through video